A set of circuit boards for self-assembly of the Wolf-Mini transceivers from UA3REO.
Motherboard - almost fully assembled, FPGA EP4CE22E22C8N and STM32 are also installed, missing: VCXO, ADC, ADC driver, DAC, transformers, flash IC.
Front board - almost fully assembled, missing: TFT LCD, 7 ceramic capacitors, 2 tantalum capacitors, keys.
Other boards are empty.
Principle of operation
The RF signal is digitized by a high-speed ADC chip and fed to an FPGA processor.
It performs DDC / DUC conversion (digital frequency shift down or up the spectrum) - by analogy with a direct conversion receiver.
The I and Q quadrature signals from the conversions are fed to the STM32 microprocessor.
It filters, (de) modulates and outputs audio to an audio codec / USB. It also handles the entire user interface.
When transmitting, the process occurs in the opposite order, only at the end of the chain there is a DAC, which converts the digital signal back to analog RF.
- Receiving frequencies: 0 Mhz - 150 Mhz, band filters for ham bands
- Transmission frequencies: 0 MHz - 55 Mhz, amplifiers for ham bands
- TX power: 20W (HF)
- Automatic antenna tuner (ATU)
- Modulation types (TX / RX): CW, LSB, USB, AM, FM, WFM, DIGI
- LNA, Preamplifier
- Adjustable attenuator 0-31dB
- Band pass filters
- ADC dynamic range (16 bit) ~100dB
- Supply voltage: 13.8V
- Panorama (spectrum + waterfall) up to 384 kHz wide
- Panorama tweaks and themes
- Dual receiver (mixing A + B or A&B audio in stereo)
- Adjustable bandwidth: HPF from 0Hz to 2700Hz, LPF from 100Hz to 20kHz
- Integrated SWR/power meter (HF)
- Automatic and manual Notch filter
- Switchable AGC (AGC) with adjustable attack rate
- Range map, with the ability to automatically switch modes
- Digital Noise Reduction (DNR), Pulse Noise Reduction (NB)
- CAT virtual COM port (FT-450 / TS-2000 emulation, RTS - PTT, DTR - CW)
- USB operation (audio transmission, IQ, CAT, KEY, PTT)
- RDS/CW/RTTY decoder, self-control, gauss filter
- SWR Graphs
- Spectrum analyzer
- FT8 receiver/transmitter
- Automatic send FT8 qso to log https://allqso.ru/
- WSPR Beacon
- Equalizer TX/RX, reverber
- SSB/FM Scanner mode
- Support SDHC/SDSC/SDXC memory cards up to 16Gb
- WAV files radio recording and playback, fast broadcast recorded CQ message
- AGC takes into account the characteristics of human hearing (K-Weighting)
- TCXO frequency stabilization (it is possible to use an external clock source, such as GPS)
- WiFi operation: Time synchronization, virtual CAT interface (see Scheme/WIFI-CAT-instruction.txt)
- Tangent support Yaesu MH-36 и MH-48
- Hardware self-testing
- Firmware update over USB, SD, WiFi
- Digital pre-distortion
- And other.. (see menu)
Sensitivity at 10 dB SNR, LNA enabled:
Community telegram channel: https://t.me/TRX_Wolf